
Monday 12 December 2011

A New Start..

Firstly...Welcome to my blog :)

Starting a blog is something that I have been thinking of doing for a while. There are a couple of reasons that I have decided to start this blog;

firstly...I wanted to give myself an outlet, in which I can write about whatever I feel like. Having read quite a few blogs over the past few months, blogging seemed like a brilliant way to try something new. To challenge myself to write often, to become more 'tech savvy', and hopefully make some more friends :)

secondly...having recently graduated from Uni and currently job hunting (which in the UK isn't really the best thing to be doing right now!!) I need something to, I suppose, challenge myself. To give me something else to focus on, until a job is found. Now this is not to say that once I (hopefully) find a job I will give this blog up, instead I am hoping to make blogging a part of my week :)

This is a very basic blog at the moment! But hopefully in the coming weeks/months/however long it takes me, it will start to look more inviting like someof the blogs that I love to read :) this may take a while as I said up there ^^ I'm not really very 'tech savvy'!! But hopefully that will change :) if anyone has any advice for me then please drop me an email/leave a comment!

Speaking of advice, I must say a big thank you to Jamie from daisies and dandelions (I dont know how to put a link in yet!!) for being very sweet and giving me advice on how to start a blog! her lovely blog was the first one I started to read, and still do! Go check it out! Thanks Jamie :)

I think I will leave it there for now....the next time I post, hopefully our internet will be working properly and I will be able to post some photos :)

Katie xx

1 comment:

Unknown said...

great first post! can't wait to read more!! and i didn't know you lived in the uk?? how cool is that. jealous!
xoxo, jamie

p.s. love the look too!