
Wednesday 25 January 2012

Three week wonderings...

So this is a bit late but I thought I would share what I have been up too the past few weeks, (be warned for lots of pictures).

The past few weeks have included beach walks, a sneaky ride around the yard on my pony Pinky, a trip to Cardiff with my parents to watch Oliver! in the Wales Millennium Centre, waking up to my boyfriends cat, beautiful sunsets and of course the Hunt Ball:

    Tenby beach

 Cheeky ride around the yard on Pinks :)

Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff

I love musicals. I have taken part in School Musical productions and the fun we had was unbelievable! So when I heard that Oliver! was on tour in Cardiff I instantly wanted to go. Luckily my Mum did too, so my parents decided to treat themselves (and me) to tickets and a night in Cardiff. The performance was amazing!! Having watched the film version throughout my childhood, I couldn't help but compare the two slightly, however the show stood out on its own, and even my Dad, who normally falls asleep in musicals (I don't understand how he can either!) thought it was brilliant! Extra mention for the set, which was fantastic! Anyone in the UK/Wales who wants to see this show do so! Also take a chance to visit Wales Millennium Centre as it is a stunning venue with lots of shows coming up. Website here.

- unfortunately the sea was in when we visited, but we still had a nice walk along the front.

Morning call from the boyfriend's cat

Hunt Ball
(I am still not completely sure on these photos, but they are the only ones I have at the moment.)

Woke up to a very comfy cat!

Throughout these weeks the boyfriend and I went to see, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. Having never seen the Swedish version, nor read the book, some of the scenes took me by surprise! But, as sadistic as it was I thought it was brilliant and a movie I would love to see again. Hats off to all involved!

Whilst in Cardiff I also bought a lovely hardcover copy of Oliver! it has always been on my 'to read' list, and I have recently started it. I also bought War Horse, Michael Morpurgo was a favourite author of mine when I was younger and War Horse certainly did not disappoint. As a horse lover myself, I of course loved it, I imagine that the film will set me off! Although a children's book, I would recommend reading it before seeing the is the original after all ;) I am hopefully going to see it this week and cannot wait!!

Sorry for the overload but its been a good few weeks, with some brilliant news that I will share soon!

Katie xx

Monday 23 January 2012


Do you ever get so worried, worked up and almost start panicking about one thing, that you start worrying about every insignificant thing? Right now that is exactly what is happening to me. I have a really exciting prospect lined up for tomorrow which could put an end to one major worry in my life right now, but although I am slightly excited, the doubt, worry and nerves about something completely new are overpowering the excitement.

It feels like tomorrow is going to be the first day at a new school - that's the extent of my nerves.

Due to this I have been trying to think of things to take my mind off what is too come. However, this has ended up in me worrying about the most unimportant things at the moment! Ugh!!

So I have resorted to watching a childhood film...just to help take my mind off things. As they say.....

Kinda ironic for how I feel right now but it is making me smile...and still, you always need to be reminded of Hakuna Matata!

Wish me luck!!

Katie xx

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Cold, wintery day...

Do you ever have a day where you feel like this?

I do!! Today is one of those days. Ok so I'm not falling asleep on a shelf, but I feel like I could! I'm full of cold and nothing sounds better to me than staying cwtched up in my nice warm bed. Instead I'm off to brave this cold, misty, wintery day and drive around the County. I've stocked my bag with red bull and am hoping I make all the stops before the end of the day.

Don't you just wish that on horrible days you could stay inside? Or that horrible days just don't exist!!

I sure do!!

Katie xx

Saturday 14 January 2012

Ballgowns and Bow Ties...

Tonight is the annual Hunt Ball in our county and I am so EXCITED!! It is a fantastic event and a brilliant way to start off the year. There is a Black and White dance floor, hanging drapes, band, disco and plenty of drinks. It is a bring your own drinks event which means it can get a bit messy but more importantly it is an opportunity for everyone to dress up. I have already had my nails done and am quickly writing this before I go and get my hair done. I picked up my dress yesterday and am so pleased with how it turned out! I have attended this event for the past few years and couldn't help but look back on some of those brilliant nights, while getting ready :)
Picture overload!!

I don't have a photo of my new dress but as soon as I do it will be up here.

Here's too a good night with friends, hopefully one of the best of 2012!! Bring it on :)

Katie xx

Thursday 12 January 2012


I found this adorable video on a blog I was reading earlier, and silly me I forgot to make a note whose blog I was reading! They had just adopted a new Kitten and had this video at the end of their post....if this was from your blog please let me know and I can link you as your new kitten was super cute too :)

Anyway, it really made me smile so I just had to post it! Enjoy!!

Hope this all made you smile as much as I was!!

Katie xx

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Disney girl :)

As I found this fun little quiz Here and as I was a COMPLETE Disney child (suppose I still am deep down! Constantly want to buy the ‘Classics’...nothing better than Disney to cheer you up!!) I figured I would give it a go....

[ ] You have/had long blond hair
[ x] You constantly day dream of another world
[ x ] You have an active imagination
[ x ] You’re very curious
[ x ] you try to show off your knowledge
[ x ] you are polite or talk very formally
[ ] you don’t like books without picture
[ ] you love or have a cat
[ x ] you tend to act more mature than your age
[ x ] You have been called that you’re mad or not right of your head
Total: 7


[ ] you have/had long red hair
[  ] your curiosity have led you into trouble
[  ] you have a father who doesn’t understand you and you often break his rules
[ x ] you are a romantic and often your head is on the clouds
[  ] you’re adventurous & curious over the world
[  ] you prefer sea animals over any other kind of animal
[ x ] you’re impulsive & sometimes stubborn
[ x ] you’re headstrong & strong willed
[ ] you believe in love at first sight
[ ] you are willing to change who you are for the one you love

Total: 3


[ ] you have/had long blond hair
[ x ] you have been called “very beautiful” by others
[ x ] you are a hopeless romantic
[ x ] you love to sleep
[ ] you are graceful & lovely
[ ] you have a very beautiful voice
[ x ] you’re a bit naive or innocent of the world around you
[ ] you are adopted
[ ] you prefer forest animals over any kind of animals
[ x ] you are very kind to others

Total: 5


[ ] you have/had medium brown hair
[ x ] you love to read & you are consider book smart
[ x ] you are outspoken and a free thinker
[ x ] you value character on people over beauty or wits
[  ] you don’t judge a book by its covers
[ x ] people have called you odd
[ x ] you have at least one eccentric relatives
[  ] many have called you a “beauty”
[ x ] you are very protective over the one you love
[ x ] you very passionate over your interest

Total: 7


[  ] you have/had short blond hair
[ ] you live with cruel relative
[ ] you are forced to do horrible chores
[ x ] you’re hard working
[ x ] you love to sing and to dream of better days
[ x ] you prefer pets’ animals/farm animals of any other kind of animals
[ ] you are an orphan
[ ] you are optimistic & cheerful
[ x ] you have been called sweet or kind
[ ] you don’t speak for yourself or you’re a little submissive

Total: 4


[ x ] you have/had long wavy black hair
[ ] you are fearless & streetwise
[ x ] you defend others who can’t defend themselves or are been treated cruelty
[  ] you are or have been called “outcast”
[ x ] you are selfless and only think the misfortune of others
[ x ] you value freedom
[  ] you love or do tarot cards, read palms or similar things
[ x  ] you love to mock others especially authority or guards or those who are cruel
[ ] you have a “sex” appeal
[  ] you had a bad experience with someone who was obsessed with you

Total: 5


[  ] you have/had a long brown hair
[ x ] you’re talkative & sometimes talk fast
[ ] you’re charming & winsome
[ ] you prefer jungle animals especially gorillas over any other kind of animals
[ x ] you talk formally or proper
[ x ] you love or do some sort of art
[ ] you live with your father
[ x ] you sometimes talk to yourself
[ ] one of your parents is dead
[ x ] you value the wildlife

Total: 5


[ ] you have/had very long black hair
[ x ] you prefer love over wealth
[  ] you long freedom or adventure
[  ] people consider you a rebel
[  ] you have a relative who want you to do something you don’t want to
[  ] you have/had run away from home
[ x ] you’re stubborn and willful
[  ] you love to or have a pet tiger
[ x ] people consider you clever or intelligent - (little do they know)
[  ] you’re kind of beauty is consider “exotic”

Total: 3


[ ] you have/had long white hair
[ ] you are brave or physically skilled
[ x ] you’re curious of the history of your family/people
[ x ] you are caring & kind
[ x ] you are willing to sacrifice your life for your loved ones
[ x ] you’re eager to know the things you don’t know of
[ x ] you have witness the loss of a loved one
[ x ] you are curious of those who are different from you
[ x ] you are very trusting
[  ] you are healer or likes to heal others

Total: 7


[  ] you have/had long brown hair
[ x ] you are independent
[ x ] you have been burn by “love”
[  ] you’re sarcastic & quick witted
[ x ] you’re cynical and don’t trust others easily
[ ] people consider you sassy
[  ] you’re flirtatious
[ ] you live by yourself
[ ] you are afraid of heights
[ x ] you’re hesitant on trusting others

Total: 4


[ x ] you have/had long black hair
[ ] you love the Native American culture
[ x ] you love the environment and often defend it
[ x ] other considers you wise beyond your years
[  ] you are more spiritual than religious
[  ] people consider you noble or selfless
[ x ] you are free-spirited
[ x ] you’re adventurous & playful
[  ] You are aware of your dreams and often let it guide you
[ ] you have an exotic beauty

Total: 5


[  ] you have dyed hair color
[ x ] you have an overprotective mother who doesn’t let you see the world outside
[ x ] you’re daring & brave
[ x ] you’re energetic & spirited
[] you love art or astronomy
[ x ] you’re independent and don’t need others to take care of you or defend you
[  ] you’re sarcastic or witty
[ x ] you are a bit naive of the world around you
[  ] you’re charming or charismatic
[ x ] you’re very determined to make your dreams comes true

Total: 6


[ x ] you have/had short black hair
[ x ] you are consider gentle & sweet
[ x ] you are also very kindhearted
[ x ] you’re juvenile or childish
[ ] you have others who envy your beauty
[ x ] you are very gullible & too trusting that others sometimes takes advantage of you
[ x ] you love to sing and to be with forest animals (first part definitely!)
[ x ] you are joyful & cheerful
[ x ] you are motherly to those who are younger than you
[ x ] you are consider “adorable” or “cute” to others

Total: 8


[ x ] you’re motivated & determined
[ x ] you are willing to go through hard work to achieve your dream
[  ] you love to cook or to own a restaurant
[ x ] you don’t like to ask for help
[ x ] you are respectful to others
[ x ] you don’t give up easily
[  ] you often too busy doing hard work to have fun
[  ] you don’t believe in wishes, you do the things on your own
[ x ] you are very persistent even if others don’t believe in you
[ x ] you are humble & grateful

Total: 7


[ x ] you love to dream
[  ] you love to tell stories
[  ] you have 2 younger brothers
[ x ] you have a caring but strict father
[ x ] you don’t want to grow up
[ x ] you have a vivid imagination
[ x ] you are dreamy & imaginative
[ x ] you’re responsible & polite
[ x ] you are very motherly & protective
[ x ] you are a romantic
Total: 8
I am....Snow White! All time favourite Disney character :)

Thursday 5 January 2012

The next 10 weeks will be odd...

So the next 10 weeks are going to rather strange, a friend who I became closer too last year has gone to Tanzania for 10 weeks/2 and a half months!! It is undoubtedly going to be an AMAZING experience, as she is volunteering out there by teaching children English in schools and helping out in the community. That is going to be a worthy experience on its own but then on top of that she gets a couple of days off a week to do different things of her choice! Amazing right?!

So why are the next 10 weeks going to be so strange? Well when I had a tough time last Easter, losing someone important, she stood by me. She even came to the funeral without telling me, to make sure I was ok, and even though I had my boyfriend there with me, she never left my side. It meant so much to me that she even thought about coming to support me, let alone turning up. It was one of those times when you realise who your true friends really are, and she is definitely one of them. So since then we have become closer, always planning our next night out, and always having an amazing time. We have had so many laughs the past year, its going to be strange not having her around for the next 10 weeks. Not being able to go on a crazy night out, or have a good talk and laugh....needless to say when she gets back a BIG night out is on the cards.

So I suppose right now I am kinda feeling sad that shes gone away but really excited for the opportunity and  experiences she will have. Her trip is inspiring me to do something completely this space.

So G, good luck! Have an amazing time and know that you are going to be missed lots!! xxxxx

Monday 2 January 2012

Goodbye 2011....Hello 2012

Firstly I just want to wish everyone a Happy New Year (even if it is a few days late!!) I hope you all had a lovely time celebrating and I hope 2012 is a fantastic, healthy and exciting year for you :)

I can't believe that it is already the 2nd January! 2011 has flown by! Honestly the past year has seen many different events, some good and some hard times. These have made me stronger and have encouraged me to do my best.

2011 has seen me graduate from University with a degree in English Literature! It seems only yesterday I headed off to Uni to live in Halls and start the I have 'BA Honours' behind my name. University was an amazing experience, I made some amazing friends and have some amazing memories.
We celebrated birthdays with Fancy Dress

Went on Tour to Dublin to celebrate Bec's 21st in style


There were plenty of good times at home with friends and family.

Hunt Ball 2011 :)

Blackpool AGM 2011!! 'Black and White'


Hen doooo!

And then I turned 21! In what can only be said to be a brilliant night!

This is just a quick look through my 2011, all these photos make me smile, especially when I remember the good times. 2011 put some hurdles up that were hard to defeat at times but just because things are better now, doesn't mean we will forget those we lost. (Cari ti.)

I could have put up so many more photos but...well we would be here forever!

So here's to a good 2012, with brilliant memories. I haven't got any resolutions you have any?

Before I finish this post I will leave some photos from the past few days...unfortunately I don't have many photos from Christmas as my Camera isn't brilliant....maybe a buying a new camera is a resolution? Suggestions? :)

Katie xx