
Monday 2 January 2012

Goodbye 2011....Hello 2012

Firstly I just want to wish everyone a Happy New Year (even if it is a few days late!!) I hope you all had a lovely time celebrating and I hope 2012 is a fantastic, healthy and exciting year for you :)

I can't believe that it is already the 2nd January! 2011 has flown by! Honestly the past year has seen many different events, some good and some hard times. These have made me stronger and have encouraged me to do my best.

2011 has seen me graduate from University with a degree in English Literature! It seems only yesterday I headed off to Uni to live in Halls and start the I have 'BA Honours' behind my name. University was an amazing experience, I made some amazing friends and have some amazing memories.
We celebrated birthdays with Fancy Dress

Went on Tour to Dublin to celebrate Bec's 21st in style


There were plenty of good times at home with friends and family.

Hunt Ball 2011 :)

Blackpool AGM 2011!! 'Black and White'


Hen doooo!

And then I turned 21! In what can only be said to be a brilliant night!

This is just a quick look through my 2011, all these photos make me smile, especially when I remember the good times. 2011 put some hurdles up that were hard to defeat at times but just because things are better now, doesn't mean we will forget those we lost. (Cari ti.)

I could have put up so many more photos but...well we would be here forever!

So here's to a good 2012, with brilliant memories. I haven't got any resolutions you have any?

Before I finish this post I will leave some photos from the past few days...unfortunately I don't have many photos from Christmas as my Camera isn't brilliant....maybe a buying a new camera is a resolution? Suggestions? :)

Katie xx

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