
Thursday 5 January 2012

The next 10 weeks will be odd...

So the next 10 weeks are going to rather strange, a friend who I became closer too last year has gone to Tanzania for 10 weeks/2 and a half months!! It is undoubtedly going to be an AMAZING experience, as she is volunteering out there by teaching children English in schools and helping out in the community. That is going to be a worthy experience on its own but then on top of that she gets a couple of days off a week to do different things of her choice! Amazing right?!

So why are the next 10 weeks going to be so strange? Well when I had a tough time last Easter, losing someone important, she stood by me. She even came to the funeral without telling me, to make sure I was ok, and even though I had my boyfriend there with me, she never left my side. It meant so much to me that she even thought about coming to support me, let alone turning up. It was one of those times when you realise who your true friends really are, and she is definitely one of them. So since then we have become closer, always planning our next night out, and always having an amazing time. We have had so many laughs the past year, its going to be strange not having her around for the next 10 weeks. Not being able to go on a crazy night out, or have a good talk and laugh....needless to say when she gets back a BIG night out is on the cards.

So I suppose right now I am kinda feeling sad that shes gone away but really excited for the opportunity and  experiences she will have. Her trip is inspiring me to do something completely this space.

So G, good luck! Have an amazing time and know that you are going to be missed lots!! xxxxx

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