
Monday 23 January 2012


Do you ever get so worried, worked up and almost start panicking about one thing, that you start worrying about every insignificant thing? Right now that is exactly what is happening to me. I have a really exciting prospect lined up for tomorrow which could put an end to one major worry in my life right now, but although I am slightly excited, the doubt, worry and nerves about something completely new are overpowering the excitement.

It feels like tomorrow is going to be the first day at a new school - that's the extent of my nerves.

Due to this I have been trying to think of things to take my mind off what is too come. However, this has ended up in me worrying about the most unimportant things at the moment! Ugh!!

So I have resorted to watching a childhood film...just to help take my mind off things. As they say.....

Kinda ironic for how I feel right now but it is making me smile...and still, you always need to be reminded of Hakuna Matata!

Wish me luck!!

Katie xx

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