
Wednesday 11 January 2012

Disney girl :)

As I found this fun little quiz Here and as I was a COMPLETE Disney child (suppose I still am deep down! Constantly want to buy the ‘Classics’...nothing better than Disney to cheer you up!!) I figured I would give it a go....

[ ] You have/had long blond hair
[ x] You constantly day dream of another world
[ x ] You have an active imagination
[ x ] You’re very curious
[ x ] you try to show off your knowledge
[ x ] you are polite or talk very formally
[ ] you don’t like books without picture
[ ] you love or have a cat
[ x ] you tend to act more mature than your age
[ x ] You have been called that you’re mad or not right of your head
Total: 7


[ ] you have/had long red hair
[  ] your curiosity have led you into trouble
[  ] you have a father who doesn’t understand you and you often break his rules
[ x ] you are a romantic and often your head is on the clouds
[  ] you’re adventurous & curious over the world
[  ] you prefer sea animals over any other kind of animal
[ x ] you’re impulsive & sometimes stubborn
[ x ] you’re headstrong & strong willed
[ ] you believe in love at first sight
[ ] you are willing to change who you are for the one you love

Total: 3


[ ] you have/had long blond hair
[ x ] you have been called “very beautiful” by others
[ x ] you are a hopeless romantic
[ x ] you love to sleep
[ ] you are graceful & lovely
[ ] you have a very beautiful voice
[ x ] you’re a bit naive or innocent of the world around you
[ ] you are adopted
[ ] you prefer forest animals over any kind of animals
[ x ] you are very kind to others

Total: 5


[ ] you have/had medium brown hair
[ x ] you love to read & you are consider book smart
[ x ] you are outspoken and a free thinker
[ x ] you value character on people over beauty or wits
[  ] you don’t judge a book by its covers
[ x ] people have called you odd
[ x ] you have at least one eccentric relatives
[  ] many have called you a “beauty”
[ x ] you are very protective over the one you love
[ x ] you very passionate over your interest

Total: 7


[  ] you have/had short blond hair
[ ] you live with cruel relative
[ ] you are forced to do horrible chores
[ x ] you’re hard working
[ x ] you love to sing and to dream of better days
[ x ] you prefer pets’ animals/farm animals of any other kind of animals
[ ] you are an orphan
[ ] you are optimistic & cheerful
[ x ] you have been called sweet or kind
[ ] you don’t speak for yourself or you’re a little submissive

Total: 4


[ x ] you have/had long wavy black hair
[ ] you are fearless & streetwise
[ x ] you defend others who can’t defend themselves or are been treated cruelty
[  ] you are or have been called “outcast”
[ x ] you are selfless and only think the misfortune of others
[ x ] you value freedom
[  ] you love or do tarot cards, read palms or similar things
[ x  ] you love to mock others especially authority or guards or those who are cruel
[ ] you have a “sex” appeal
[  ] you had a bad experience with someone who was obsessed with you

Total: 5


[  ] you have/had a long brown hair
[ x ] you’re talkative & sometimes talk fast
[ ] you’re charming & winsome
[ ] you prefer jungle animals especially gorillas over any other kind of animals
[ x ] you talk formally or proper
[ x ] you love or do some sort of art
[ ] you live with your father
[ x ] you sometimes talk to yourself
[ ] one of your parents is dead
[ x ] you value the wildlife

Total: 5


[ ] you have/had very long black hair
[ x ] you prefer love over wealth
[  ] you long freedom or adventure
[  ] people consider you a rebel
[  ] you have a relative who want you to do something you don’t want to
[  ] you have/had run away from home
[ x ] you’re stubborn and willful
[  ] you love to or have a pet tiger
[ x ] people consider you clever or intelligent - (little do they know)
[  ] you’re kind of beauty is consider “exotic”

Total: 3


[ ] you have/had long white hair
[ ] you are brave or physically skilled
[ x ] you’re curious of the history of your family/people
[ x ] you are caring & kind
[ x ] you are willing to sacrifice your life for your loved ones
[ x ] you’re eager to know the things you don’t know of
[ x ] you have witness the loss of a loved one
[ x ] you are curious of those who are different from you
[ x ] you are very trusting
[  ] you are healer or likes to heal others

Total: 7


[  ] you have/had long brown hair
[ x ] you are independent
[ x ] you have been burn by “love”
[  ] you’re sarcastic & quick witted
[ x ] you’re cynical and don’t trust others easily
[ ] people consider you sassy
[  ] you’re flirtatious
[ ] you live by yourself
[ ] you are afraid of heights
[ x ] you’re hesitant on trusting others

Total: 4


[ x ] you have/had long black hair
[ ] you love the Native American culture
[ x ] you love the environment and often defend it
[ x ] other considers you wise beyond your years
[  ] you are more spiritual than religious
[  ] people consider you noble or selfless
[ x ] you are free-spirited
[ x ] you’re adventurous & playful
[  ] You are aware of your dreams and often let it guide you
[ ] you have an exotic beauty

Total: 5


[  ] you have dyed hair color
[ x ] you have an overprotective mother who doesn’t let you see the world outside
[ x ] you’re daring & brave
[ x ] you’re energetic & spirited
[] you love art or astronomy
[ x ] you’re independent and don’t need others to take care of you or defend you
[  ] you’re sarcastic or witty
[ x ] you are a bit naive of the world around you
[  ] you’re charming or charismatic
[ x ] you’re very determined to make your dreams comes true

Total: 6


[ x ] you have/had short black hair
[ x ] you are consider gentle & sweet
[ x ] you are also very kindhearted
[ x ] you’re juvenile or childish
[ ] you have others who envy your beauty
[ x ] you are very gullible & too trusting that others sometimes takes advantage of you
[ x ] you love to sing and to be with forest animals (first part definitely!)
[ x ] you are joyful & cheerful
[ x ] you are motherly to those who are younger than you
[ x ] you are consider “adorable” or “cute” to others

Total: 8


[ x ] you’re motivated & determined
[ x ] you are willing to go through hard work to achieve your dream
[  ] you love to cook or to own a restaurant
[ x ] you don’t like to ask for help
[ x ] you are respectful to others
[ x ] you don’t give up easily
[  ] you often too busy doing hard work to have fun
[  ] you don’t believe in wishes, you do the things on your own
[ x ] you are very persistent even if others don’t believe in you
[ x ] you are humble & grateful

Total: 7


[ x ] you love to dream
[  ] you love to tell stories
[  ] you have 2 younger brothers
[ x ] you have a caring but strict father
[ x ] you don’t want to grow up
[ x ] you have a vivid imagination
[ x ] you are dreamy & imaginative
[ x ] you’re responsible & polite
[ x ] you are very motherly & protective
[ x ] you are a romantic
Total: 8
I am....Snow White! All time favourite Disney character :)


Lipgloss Lily said...

Snow White is a good one to be haha! Although they're all pretty food, I'm not sure how happy I would have been with Cinderella lol! I've kinda done it in my head and I think I'm Alice lol. Lovely blog!

Katie xx said...

Snow White is my all time favourite Disney Princess :) It was kind of fun to do, but there are so many of them now! Haha. Thank you for your lovely comment :) just getting used to the blogging thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy, Katie xx