
Wednesday 25 January 2012

Three week wonderings...

So this is a bit late but I thought I would share what I have been up too the past few weeks, (be warned for lots of pictures).

The past few weeks have included beach walks, a sneaky ride around the yard on my pony Pinky, a trip to Cardiff with my parents to watch Oliver! in the Wales Millennium Centre, waking up to my boyfriends cat, beautiful sunsets and of course the Hunt Ball:

    Tenby beach

 Cheeky ride around the yard on Pinks :)

Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff

I love musicals. I have taken part in School Musical productions and the fun we had was unbelievable! So when I heard that Oliver! was on tour in Cardiff I instantly wanted to go. Luckily my Mum did too, so my parents decided to treat themselves (and me) to tickets and a night in Cardiff. The performance was amazing!! Having watched the film version throughout my childhood, I couldn't help but compare the two slightly, however the show stood out on its own, and even my Dad, who normally falls asleep in musicals (I don't understand how he can either!) thought it was brilliant! Extra mention for the set, which was fantastic! Anyone in the UK/Wales who wants to see this show do so! Also take a chance to visit Wales Millennium Centre as it is a stunning venue with lots of shows coming up. Website here.

- unfortunately the sea was in when we visited, but we still had a nice walk along the front.

Morning call from the boyfriend's cat

Hunt Ball
(I am still not completely sure on these photos, but they are the only ones I have at the moment.)

Woke up to a very comfy cat!

Throughout these weeks the boyfriend and I went to see, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. Having never seen the Swedish version, nor read the book, some of the scenes took me by surprise! But, as sadistic as it was I thought it was brilliant and a movie I would love to see again. Hats off to all involved!

Whilst in Cardiff I also bought a lovely hardcover copy of Oliver! it has always been on my 'to read' list, and I have recently started it. I also bought War Horse, Michael Morpurgo was a favourite author of mine when I was younger and War Horse certainly did not disappoint. As a horse lover myself, I of course loved it, I imagine that the film will set me off! Although a children's book, I would recommend reading it before seeing the is the original after all ;) I am hopefully going to see it this week and cannot wait!!

Sorry for the overload but its been a good few weeks, with some brilliant news that I will share soon!

Katie xx


Jessi said...

SO pretty! I wish I lived near a nice beach!

Katie xx said...

I am incredibly lucky to live in a County that is surrounded by amazing beaches and coast. Need to make more use of it though!! x